Data Integration Layer
ML Integration
We've integrated Linear Regression into our Data Integration Layer, aiming to offer users an advanced analytical tool that identifies relationships within data and predicts future trends, right within Lumenore .
Key business benefits to user:
Anticipate Outcomes: Harness historical data to predict upcoming trends, equipping businesses with foresight.
In-tool Analytics: No more toggling between platforms or tools; run regression analyses directly within our BI suite for increased efficiency.
Data Reliability: Conduct regressions during the ETL process, maintaining the integrity of your data for more accurate predictions.
Strategic Decision-making: Rely on robust predictive models to make informed and strategic decisions.
Key areas of applications:
E-commerce: Forecast sales volumes based on past trends, adjust marketing strategies to anticipate customer buying behaviors.
Finance: Predict stock or investment performance, gauge credit risks based on past borrowing behaviors.
- Human Resources: Predict staffing needs, optimize recruitment campaigns based on past application trends.
Real Estate: Anticipate property market fluctuations, project rental income or property appreciation.